The Curious Case of Captain James Ostrich Farm.  That is the title of our next intriguing talk to be given by Claire Baddeley, Curator of Hurstville Museum/Art Gallery.  Claire won our last History Award with this well researched local history.  Visitors and new members are very welcome. The meeting starts at 2pm, entry is $5.00 which includes our home cooked afternoon tea.   Enquiries to Gill 0439 667 843. 

 Carss Cottage Museum is open every Sunday from 1pm to 4pm.  Bring your children, they love it and can do a quiz while they look – free entry for them, $5.00 adults, $2 students.
New Exhibition: School Ways, School Days now open

The Kogarah Historical Society, now in its 55th year, was founded in 1970 to encourage the study of Australian History and promote awareness of the history of the Kogarah Municipality. Our motto is “Preserving the Past for the Future”

KOGARAH SCHOOL OF ARTS The Society meets on the second Thursday of months February to November, at the historic Kogarah School of Arts, cnr Bowns Road and Queens Avenue, Kogarah at 2 pm. For details of meetings and speakers see the Meetings page.
Carss Cottage rear 2001 The society administers Carss Cottage Museum. For opening times and museum activities see the Carss Park Museum page.
Newsletter Jan-Feb 2021 Our bi-monthly Newsletter contains member information and reports on past and future activities as well as articles of historic interest and original research.

For more information about our activities, send an email .